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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Catholic Engaged Encounter?
It is a weekend programme for couples who are preparing for marriage. Private time is made available for the couples to build a closer relationship with their respective partners. It is an opportunity for the couples to talk privately, honestly and seriously about

  • their future married lives;
  • their strengths and weaknesses;
  • desires and ambitions;
  • their attitudes about money, sex, children, family;
  • and their role and involvement as a couple in the church and society.

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What happens during the weekend?
A team consisting of a priest and two married couples would present a series of short talks on various topics. From the talks, the couples are stimulated to examine and discuss the topics from their own viewpoint, personal backgrounds and circumstances. The series of individual reflection and couple dialogue is the main focus of the weekend.

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What is the programme like for the weekend?
All couples must report by 7.30pm on the Friday of a particular weekend and the sessions start on Friday night itself. The weekend ends by 6.00pm on Sunday after mass. The programme for the weekend is intensive. Couples would be expected to stay up late (at least until midnight) and to rise earlier (as early as 7.00am).

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Are there any group discussions with other couples or dialogue with the presenting team?
No. The weekend is for private dialogue between the couple.

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Do I have to be a Catholic?
Strictly speaking, no. But for CEE Penang, due to the limited number of places and the priority for those intending to marry in the Catholic church, it is preferred that either partner is, or both are Catholic. However, non-Catholic couples may apply on a case-by-case basis.

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If I am not a Catholic, will I be encouraged or forced to convert?
No. The focus of the weekend is your relationship and future marriage. Although sharings by the presenters may be Catholic in nature, they are by no means aimed at converting non-Catholic participants. The Christian values presented are positive values that are common to all faiths.

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When should we attend?
As early as possible. It should not be left to the last minute just before the wedding as there are many distractions and wedding details to attend to.

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What is the cost of the Weekend?
The registration fee is RM400 per couple. The fee covers:

  • Accommodation for Friday and Saturday night
  • All meals and snacks from Friday night (dinner) until Sunday late afternoon (tea).
  • Weekend pack (stationery and handouts)

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Am I allowed to attend to other matters during the weekend?
No. All forms of distraction is most unwelcomed. Kindly advise family and friends to respect your privacy for the weekend. Communication should only be reserved for urgent matters.

Usage of mobile phones during the sessions is strictly prohibited and its use during other times is also strongly discouraged. Participants are strictly not allowed to leave the premises.

It is our hope that you would make this weekend special and meaningful for yourselves by participating fully and to focus your attention on your partner and yourselves.

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